RECENT (Selection)

Interview with Luis C. Smeets aka Der Raufbold @ Marres Maastricht

Met op 19 juni vanaf 13hrs vertoning ‘Play Curacao’
i.s.m. Kasper Jacobs

POM’ PO PON PO PON PON POM PON, Middelheim Museum Antwerp, Belgium, groupshow
24/10/2015 – 27/03/2016

Director & curator Sara Weyns & artist & curator Lieven Segers ready for action..

Very nice article on
(Please use Google translate if not a native speaker in Danish..)
And a nice review in the newspaper ‘Weekendavisen’ of 10/10/2015:
‘Det legende menneske’ (The playful man): _module=print
Play Hard was mentioned in the program ‘Kulturradet‘ on national Danish television:
The announcement for the review was already a great start (badly translated but tone will be clear..):
If you follow the link to this video will understand why Cultural Council host Adrian Hughes sometimes feel stupid and abused when he goes on modern art museums. He spluttered with rage when he came home from Frank Koolens exhibition “Play Hard” at the Museum of Contemporary Art:
“I take my head of what nowadays can exhibit in a museum and get people to make the best of. Here at the museum, Frank Koolen succeeded in persuading 6 more or less voluntary interns, employees and friends of the museum to put the body to what you probably call a ‘site specific happening‘ in the museum’s forecourt. It depicts shown enough concept of play deliberately twisted by Frank Koolens regulations, and it is a study in futility. Yes, so little does it take to wake my seemingly all too easy slumbering inner Rindalist (art hater).”

Art lover Adrian Hughes on the left.